Book reviews and other bookish content…

Happy 2018!! My goodness I’ve been terrible blogger (I’m a little more active over on Twitter to be honest)

NEW THING. And I’ve started a different page for all this because, why not.

I started getting hold of advanced reading copies of books last year and I thought I’d attempt to review them as often as I could… it’s harder than I thought when trying to finish a degree, but it does make for some interesting downtime… I created a new page for this and I’ll create a link but it’s basically me, posting a few reviews (which is something I am very bad at writing by the way!) and hopefully sharing a few books out into the world!

Find my book reviews at Queen C Books  or come find me on Goodreads 🙂

And why not?

So, it came, 2016 happened and with it came my 12 week first year placement as a student nurse. Insane stuff. Really. Thank goodness i’m still a dance teacher otherwise i may have gone mad. And what a 12 weeks it’s been. Getting into routine, paperwork, patient care, learning the ropes, being trusted with things that quite frankly are insane. It’s been amazing, i’ve started on a high note. There really are some incredible people in the NHS do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise.

But on top of this i thought, shit, i need to get out of university more than just a degree. So i joined the cheerleaders. One thing after the other with me i know, but i think if it doesn’t scare you or challenge you it’s not worth doing really is it? So that makes me halfway through my first year of university year one and i have 2 university cheer competitions under my belt! 11 years older than most of them and still kicking and splitting like the best of them…if your body works, really, age is just a number, i feel this is something i really want people to know. So many people wonder what the hell possesses me half the time i think, but i have this one life much to my dismay and i want to be and do everything. So why not? Anyone who says they can’t better have a damn good excuse because age isn’t a good one, if somebody had told me that at 32 years old i’d head back to university and to cheerleading i would have frowned..but damn i would have been interested! So get out there. DO. BE. JUST GO AND DO IT…After all, i will sure as hell miss this flexibility when my body does finally say no…..

New adventures…again

Merry christmas to everyone, its nearly the end of 2015…its been a crazy year in which I have started training for a whole new career. I am now Dancer, singer, reader, geek and…..Student Nurse.

Yep, this happened, I got there after many months of freaking the hell out about passing exams, getting into university (My maths is, shall we say, challenged) Finally, the life plan kicked in, new adventures have begun.

As always, I am very bad at keeping up to date with the blog, but I am hoping to be able to track my progress. So join me for some panic attacks, some stress and hopefully a lot of growth 😉


Happy holidays! xxx

My Mission. Welcome.

Please head over to my friend Jasmine gorgeous blog, she lost her little boy last year and although it is heartbreaking she is building her life back up and building up to an art exhibition in November…go se her may cry..but damn it’s hopeful xx



Welcome to my first blog post here on ‘Flow River Flow’.

It’s hard to believe 4 months has passed by since we said goodbye to our precious son River. I know It’s not goodbye forever, but nevertheless it has felt like an extraordinary loss. Someone told me recently that grief is like the weather; one minute the skies can be sunny and bright, then suddenly clouds can roll in and the world feel rather grey and gloomy. This is certainly true of British weather, and true also of my emotions during these last 4 months.

View original post 722 more words

Fictional friends

This is a slightly strange post, I actually thought about blogging it as I was talking to someone on Twitter who loves a particular X-Men character just as much as I do.


This Character (Just in case you were wondering)

Image Her name is Jubilation Lee, or Jubilee as she is more widely known.( she is also copyright of the Mighty Marvel comics circa 1980’s till present)

When i was much younger (apparently, as i get older, my imagination seems to be dying a slow death,these don’t exist so much these days) i had notebooks everywhere,filled with stories and drawings of what my mother used to call “curtain heads” (literally their hairline at the front resembled,well, curtains) The stories were usually fan fiction types, using characters i already knew and loved.

Not always, i do actually have a list of characters who are mine mine mine, but i used to use my favourites in stories that resembled my own life. They actually used to do as i did…

I got VERY intoxicated one night…vodka was the choice….so in the tiny tale…so did Jubilee (Trust me, in that story,Wolverine was VERY angry as were a certain couple of parents on my end)

I had a bust up with a girl at college…and my other so called friend didn’t help at all…in the tale, Jubilee had this problem, and one of the other girls in the current group of choice was this so called friend.

Do you see a pattern here? Poor Jubilee had a worse life than in the comic books all thanks to me writing her into my problems.She was my diary, an accomplice.I have been told i am not the only one who ever did this…I think it’s a way as you are growing up to deal with things that bother you, or make you feel guilty by sharing them with your favourite characters. Teenagers deal with things in strange ways,sometimes they rebel, sometimes they don’t talk to anyone. And apparently in my case, they become one with fictional beings…imaginary friend anyone?!

I was obsessed with the X-Men cartoon from a very early age and of course the first person i noticed was Storm (how can you not, she had that theatrical voice over back then and it was all drama drama drama) I recorded the whole Phoenix saga onto VHS and slowly but surely became obsessed with the Wolverine/Jubilee dynamic while wishing i had Rogue’s prowess (and possibly Gambit for my life) This led to friendships with amazing people who also shared a love of Wolverine and Jubilee and an extensive collection of *cough cough* comic books that would rival any geek worth their salt. I terrify stall owners at Comic con because they don’t know what category to put me in but i challenge any of them to love Marvel’s X-men more than i did and still do. (Trust me, if they tried to mess with me over Jubilee or Dazzler particularly, they’d get a kick)

I don’t like how they’ve progressed Jubilee these days, i don’t relate to her as well as i once did with her now being all vampiric and all (something i think wasn’t overly called for) I have absolutely no idea why i would have related to her or wanted to be her when she was a mutant…she has had a hard life, was always treated like a kid but she always had a ridiculous amount of inner strength, and i think maybe that’s what i saw.

Jubilee was a great friend when i was a teenager even if she didn’t know it.

Well……she was as angry/drunk/grounded/pick another teenage issue and insert here as i was thanks to my penmanship… i guess she can’t be blamed really.


Found…and re posted..

I found this via a friend on Facebook..i know these days i’m not as much a working professional dancer as i have been for the last oh, i don’t know, 15 years plus but this is a great post, i love the girl who lives with dancers and loves it…


We’re all a but weird us dancers, even those of us who aren’t 18 anymore….

Learning how to really use something….

So,my brother is home. He is a systems analyst.

This means I get to learn how to use this site properly.

No really, sat next to me is this: 20130311_204836

Does this make me a cheat?! When brother leaves to go back to the big city lights, the website idiot that i am needs help…and that’s the excuse i’m sticking with!
So…on that note, you should now be discovering new menu bars and photo albums and lots of exciting *cough* things.

Just…..keep an eye on it all….it won’t be perfect, or pretty….but i’m hoping it will serve to make my blog a more well rounded creation…..well…we’ll see eh?!

New Blog links

Good afternoon all,


Just a little note on 2 wonderful blogs i’ve added to my links list…

A wonderful blog from the mind of Khadija Badri, her sister Aicha’s is also there for all to see, have a gander at both as both Badri sisters are very intelligent creatures with lots of intelligent things to say.



A wonderful blog that usually makes my day a brighter place…

